Japanese Classes starting in October (International Center of Kyoto University)

 To GSGES international students,

If you are interested in participating the Japanese classes below, please see the attached files.

(Registration on the website is required (except for Hiragana class). Please read the guidelines carefully.

Contact the GSGES office (160tikyukankyoumu@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp) or your laboratory to obtain ID and

passward for registration.)

– Japanese Hiragana class

– Japanese language classes http://www.ryugaku.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/japanese-e/japanese-classes-e/

– Business Japanese classes http://www.ryugaku.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/japanese-e/business-japanese-e/


Japanese Hiragana class

Japanese class schedule

Business Japanese class schedule