The 60th Anniversary Ceremony of HUST (Hanoi University of Science and Technology) and its satellite events were conducted on October 14 and 15, 2016. A series of events started from “the University – Industry Linkage Seminar” in the morning of October 14, and a HUST campus tour in the afternoon and a Welcome Reception in the evening followed it. The 60th Anniversary Ceremony of HUST in the morning of October 15, and all of the events were ended. In these events, many international scholars were invited including Prof. Shigeo FUJII in GSGES, Kyoto University.
Many VIPs in HUST attended in the Welcome Reception, such as Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hoang Minh Song, the president of HUST and a vice-president of HUST, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Quyet Than, and “Recognition Awards for Outstanding Contribution to HUST” were presented to 10 international guests including Prof FUJII.
On October 15, the 60th Anniversary Ceremony of HUST was held with the attendance of many VIPs in the Vietnamese Government, such as the President of Vietnam, Mr. Trần Đại Quang and the Minister of Education and Training, Dr. Phùng Xuân Nhạ. In the ceremony, the president, Mr. Trần Đại Quang gave a Ho Chi Ming’s medal to HUST for its high contribution to Education and Research in Vietnam.