To Monbukagakusho Scholarship Students, Honor Scholarship Students and 日韓共同理工系学部留学生奨学金受給者
Changes in the schedule of March scholarship
The first deadline of signing the ledger for March scholarship has changed since Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) needs lots of procedures to send the first March scholarship earlier than usual for those who complete their programs and return to their home countries. We apologize for your inconvenience.
Month Deadline for Signing the Ledger Scheduled Deposit Day
March 1st Mar. 3 (Mon.) – Mar. 5 (Wed.) Mar. 19 (Wed.)
2nd Mar. 6 (Thu.) – Mar. 31 (Mon.) Apr. 15 (Tue.)
※ 第1回目の在籍確認締切日が2日繰り上げられることとなりますのでご注意願います。
Please note that the first deadline for signature in March is 2 days earlier than usual.
※ 帰国予定者等で3月中の支払いを希望する者は、2014年3月3日(月)~3月5日(水)の間に必ず署名をするようにしてください。
Those who sign for the final month upon termination of scholarship period must sign the ledger between Mar.3,
(Mon.), and Mar. 5 (Wed.), if they need to receive March scholarship in March.
January 30, 2014
Foreign Student Division Kyoto University