論文作成における注意喚起 Attention on preparation of master thesis

論文作成における注意喚起 Attention on preparation of master thesis





To: Students and supervisors,

During the presentation and reviewing processes of master theses in this year, inappropriate citations of text and figures/tables were often pointed out by the reviewers. Please keep in mind the following points on the revision of your thesis.

1) In the case of citing sentence(s) from other articles, the portion cited and an original article should be clearly indicated in your text. If you modify the sentence(s) on citation, you should state the fact of modification as well.
2) You should not use direct “copy and paste” when citing figures and tables. You can remake it by yourself with information of original articles (but always cite it appropriately), or you should obtain the approval for use from the publishers if you need the copy of the original. There are some exceptions, however, which are allowed to be directly reproduced, such as governmental material.

Problems relating publication ethics is recently drawn considerable attention. You are requested to work very carefully.