May 12, 2014
(Call for participants)GSGES Feild Trip to Wakayama Pref. on June 21(Sat) & 22(Sun)
April 30, 2014
April 25, 2014
April 23, 2014
【臨時閉室】5月の臨時閉室のご案内=Temporarily closed(5/1)
April 23, 2014
April 22, 2014
April 22, 2014
April 22, 2014
April 21, 2014
留学生とOB・OGとの交流会 in 大阪
April 18, 2014
April 18, 2014
KULASIS MY時間割について Confirmation of your course registration
April 18, 2014
履修登録確認表(前期)の交付について Confirmation of Course Registration(For the Spring semester)
April 17, 2014
【開催通知】平成26年度インターン研修報告会Notice Internship Program Debriefings in 2014
April 16, 2014
【注意喚起】図書館にて盗難多発 ATTENTION: A large number thefts at the Library
April 14, 2014
4月入学者対象・学研災保険料一部払い戻しについて For students who enrolled in April 2014, Reimbursement Notice (Gakkensai)
April 14, 2014
環境マネジメントセミナー申請について Application for Seminar in Environmental Management
April 11, 2014
就職・インターンシップ関係のお知らせについて Notice for job hunting and internship
April 11, 2014
「研究計画書」「進捗報告書」提出について Submission report: Research plan for newly admitted students, Progress Report for current students
April 10, 2014
(6/2updated)H26 集中講義日程 AY2014 Intensive course schedule
April 10, 2014