August 26, 2016 [Public Programs]
2016年10月29日 第26回京都大学地球環境フォーラム 「エネルギーと環境-再生可能エネルギーの有効利用に電池が果たす役割-」を開催します
August 24, 2016 [Students]
(Deadline: 8/29)The Grand Sumo Tournament invitation ticket
August 23, 2016 [Students]
【Application period: Sep.1-Oct.10】Subsidy for National Health Insurance
August 23, 2016 [Students]
//Deadline: Sep.1//Application for Teijin Kumura Scholarship (Doctoral student)
August 22, 2016 [News]
GSGES Library is temporary closed (8/23)
August 2, 2016 [Activity Report]
GSGES Study Tour 2016 in Awaji Island was held
July 28, 2016 [News]
GSGES Library is temporary closed (7/28 13:00-15:00, 7/29 10:00-12:00)
July 22, 2016 [News]
[AEARU]Call for Participation-AEARU Northeast Asian Network Forum at Yonsei Univ.
July 15, 2016 [News]
Regarding the Schedule for the presentation of master thesis(2016.9)
June 29, 2016 [News]
ATTN: GSGES Students(Notice of Summer holidays)
June 16, 2016 [Students]
【Deadline:7/7】The 29th International Exchange Students’ Jamboree in Ishikawa
June 14, 2016 [News]
【Deadline:7/1】RENKEI Intercultural workshop 
June 9, 2016 [News]
Special lecture: Dr. Ray-Bennet, from University of Leicester
June 7, 2016 [Students]
//IMPORTANT//Study Abroad Insurance “Futai Kaigaku”
June 2, 2016 [Students]
//MEXT&JASSO Scholarship//Signing of Attendance Ledgers during Summer Period
May 31, 2016 [News]
(Deardline:6/10) Application for Kyoto Prefectural Housing Tenant
May 27, 2016 [News]
GSGES Library is temporary closed (5/30 10:00-12:00)
May 27, 2016 [News]
2016 Environmental Management seminar Summer field study (Tango) Orientation & safety instructions
May 25, 2016 [Students]
May 24, 2016 [News]
GSGES Library is temporary closed (5/25 13:00-15:00)