
読売新聞に学舎修了生のスモト・エドワードさんが代表を務めるNGO“ミックスルーツ・ジャパン”の記事が掲載されましたのでご案内します。多文化社会への理解を促す場として様々な活動を行われています。詳細は別添の記事をごらんください。 20140627103625 20140627103640

This is an article published on Yomiuri newspaper on June 22 about a NGO group called “Mixed Routes Japan” (MRJ). MRJ was founded in 2006 to share problems among people who were born in Japan and have international routes. The GSEGS graduate Mr. Edward Sumoto, a founder and director of MRJ, who was born in Venezuela and grew up in Japan, says that 1 couple out of 10 couples are international marriage in Tokyo and it’s 1 out of 14 in Osaka. Multicultural communities have been made up by them.

Grappling with multicultural society, skin colors, acceptance of multicultural people and the routes have been taboo like issues of base camp in Okinawa. MRJ is the place for giving opportunities to talk about those issues.

MRJ extend their network over the countries thrown issues on globalization, coexistence on multicultural societies, movement of surrounded societies, cultural expressions and issues among people who have international routes.

A multicultural society forum was held in Osaka University in October for two days and Professors, researchers and activists from overseas were participated in. A forum is planning to be held in California next April targeting young generations.